Company earns highly coveted ranking year over year among top healthcare IT vendors
WAYNE, PA – July 5, 2017 Medecision, the leader in population health management solutions for risk-bearing entities, announced it has been named to the 2017 Healthcare Informatics HCI100 list for the third year in a row. The annual list, published by Healthcare Informatics, distinguishes the top 100 companies with highest revenue earned in the United States from healthcare IT products and services as the largest, most influential companies currently in healthcare. The list has been compiled for over 20 years, providing an esteemed financial overview of vendors in the healthcare IT market.
Medecision is working hand in hand with some of the nation’s top risk-bearing organizations serving government populations by providing advanced solutions and services that enable the best health outcomes through the delivery of personalized predictive and prescriptive decision support for clinical teams, physicians, consumers and their caregivers.
The Aerial™ platform is generations ahead of EMR and traditional care management systems. And because Aerial is a SaaS-cloud solution, it is easy to install and incorporate embedded analytics, evidence-based medical protocols, prescriptive care plans and comprehensive personal health records—all in a single consumer view.
This award comes alongside a number of Medecision’s recent acknowledgements as a leading innovator and population health pioneer at both company and executive leadership levels, including:
- Recognition as a major population health management player for the second year in a row by IDC MarketScape: U.S. Population Health Management 2016 Vendor Assessment
- Being named as one of the top 50 Healthcare IT Vendors by Revenue by 2017 IDC Health Insights HealthTech Rankings Top 50
- CEO and President, Deborah M. Gage named as a finalist for the Modern Healthcare 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare, as well as Gage being honored in Becker’s Hospital Review’s 2017 100 great healthcare leaders to know
“Our mission has always been to help populations that need healthcare the most,” said Deborah M. Gage, CEO and President of Medecision. “Partnering with our clients to help them manage clinical and financial risk ultimately leads to the collective success for our clients and their patients in the form of stronger patient engagement, better clinical outcomes and reduced cost.”
Medecision clients are also known for their innovation and success in driving quality patient-centered care at lower costs, including:
- Christiana Care Health System, which was recently honored with the highly coveted John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award for its efforts in transforming care coordination for over 75,000 Medicare beneficiaries with its robust technology-enabled network, Care Link, powered by Medecision’s AerialTM platform.
- Baystate Health, in collaboration with its technology incubator TechSpring Innovation Center (of which Medecision was a founding partner), launched a pilot program, powered by Medecision’s AerialTM InCircle application, to offer patient-centered care coordination to the maternal fetal medicine high-risk populations with gestational diabetes.
To learn more, view the full HCI100 list here.
About The Author: Medecision
Medecision is a leader in cloud-based, data-powered healthcare solutions, enabling risk-bearing entities to achieve improved health outcomes, optimized medical costs, reduced administrative costs, and personalized engagement. Our Aerial platform supports over 10% of the U.S. population, marking a significant milestone in advancing healthcare efficiency and effectiveness.
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