WAYNE, PA – Nov. 2, 2016 Medecision, the leader in population health management solutions for risk-bearing healthcare entities, has been named in Gartner’s 2016 “Market Guide for Healthcare Provider Population Health Management Platforms” as a representative vendor of population health management platforms for providers. Medecision was recognized as one of only 15 vendors, out of 52 surveyed and of which 43 responded, that provide technology supporting all 10 identified core areas of population health management programs, which the company believes showcases its success in powering some of the most effective provider population health efforts in the country.
The report compiles information from surveyed vendors to assess the current dynamics of population health initiatives, scope of vendor capabilities and future market direction. Based on survey results, Medecision’s Aerial™ platform was one of the platforms that addresses all of the capabilities identified by Gartner required for population health management, including:
- Care path enablement;
- Care management and coordination of clinical content;
- Care management and coordination of document input;
- Patient-physician attribution;
- Risk stratification;
- Disease registries;
- Gaps-in-care analysis;
- Outcome analysis;
- Value-based compliance measures; and
- Patient and consumer engagement and outreach.
With the population health management market expected to grow exponentially over the next several years, these capabilities will become increasingly more important to providers as they begin to look for partners offering solutions that integrate data and analysis with point-of-care capabilities.
“Successfully taking on risk and managing population health means provider organizations must move beyond reliance on their EHRs and early analytics systems toward prioritizing core decision support systems and workflow capabilities such as those outlined by Gartner and built by Medecision,” said Deborah M. Gage, president and chief executive officer at Medecision. “Our Aerial solutions, used by countless IDNs, ACOs and practices, contain big data and analytics capabilities that power applications to drive financial performance, inform care delivery decisions, and engage physicians and consumers. Aerial is a powerful platform to help delivery systems, physicians, consumers and their care teams accomplish the Triple Aim.”
About The Author: Medecision
Medecision is a leader in cloud-based, data-powered healthcare solutions, enabling risk-bearing entities to achieve improved health outcomes, optimized medical costs, reduced administrative costs, and personalized engagement. Our Aerial platform supports over 10% of the U.S. population, marking a significant milestone in advancing healthcare efficiency and effectiveness.
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