Meet Versha Shah.
She’s a member of our Engineering team where she works as a Senior Application Developer, but her job at Medecision is only one small portion of the work she does to better peoples’ lives.
Versha regularly volunteers with the Valley Forge Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization (VFMS PTO) and Plymouth Balvihar and has dedicated 120 hours to volunteering in the past year. As VP of Fundraising for VFMS PTO, Versha raises money through restaurant and half marathon fundraisers, along with planning the staff and faculty appreciation week and arranging holiday gifts for them. During the pandemic, Versha has shifted her focus with VFMS PTO to supporting the local businesses in her area and organizing events to get kids more active.
As Cultural Secretary of the Plymouth Balvihar, a non-profit organization that has been serving the children of the Asian-Indian community since 1987, Versha oversees the teaching of culture curriculum across eight different grades. She also guides the execution of cultural events held at Plymouth Balvihar, along with planning and leading the graduation and moving up ceremonies with the organization’s Education Secretary.
Think COVID-19 has slowed down Versha? Think again. Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, Versha has been especially involved with Plymouth Balvihar, teaching culture classes every Sunday to seventh graders via Zoom and helping to organize online art and essay competitions and virtual talent shows to encourage her community’s involvement during these uncertain times. Before the pandemic, Versha was actively involved in volunteering at her local temples.
Along with VFMS PTO and Plymouth Balvihar, Versha volunteers with her daughter’s Girl Scout troop and participates in their community events. She also organizes virtual marathons at her daughter’s middle school with their Builders Club, the world’s largest middle school service leadership organization, to raise funds for the Lymphoma & Leukemia Society. Also at her daughter’s school, she volunteers at the student vaccine clinic. Versha is just one example of the many Liberators who are giving back to their communities to make a difference. #WeAreMedecision
About The Author: Medecision
Medecision is a leader in cloud-based, data-powered healthcare solutions, enabling risk-bearing entities to achieve improved health outcomes, optimized medical costs, reduced administrative costs, and personalized engagement. Our Aerial platform supports over 10% of the U.S. population, marking a significant milestone in advancing healthcare efficiency and effectiveness.
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